Many companies, private and public institutions, associations, and consortia have teamed up with us to help develop our project.
The project partners include a network of companies, private and public institutions, associations, and consortia that have undersigned letters of intent and support the project activities according to their individual know-how; from providing our PhD students and staff with specific training to advising on issues related to the project development.
- Conseil européen pour les langues – European Language Council (CEL/ELC)
- Fondazione Franzoni ETS
- Osservatorio di Terminologie e Politiche Linguistiche (OTPL) – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano
- AReSS (Agenzia Regionale Strategica per la Salute e il Sociale) – Regione Puglia
- Consorzio Regionale CPIA (Centri Provinciali per l’Istruzione per Adulti ) – CPIA 1 Bari centro
- Agenzia/Consorzio SEND
- Consorzio/ Associazione no- profit TUCEP (Tiber Umbria Comett Education Programme)